October 15th, 2013 Cancun, Mexico.- The date for the 2014 WOR Mexico Cup is confirmed for February 13-16 of next year at the Raquet Club Cacun athletic facility: (raquetclubcancun.com). ...


October 15th, 2013 Cancun, Mexico.- The date for the 2014 WOR Mexico Cup is confirmed for February 13-16 of next year at the Raquet Club Cacun athletic facility: (raquetclubcancun.com). This venue hosted the first ever official World Outdoor Racquetball tournament in Mexico this past month of June.

“The previous event left a very important precedent for the evolution of racquetball in this format, building trust in the international public, which has this event scheduled and it was made official bye WOR and WOR Mexico. With the support of the staff and the sponsors we can guarantee an excellent tournament in a very important location that had been granted a quality event”. – affirmed Favio Soto, WOR Mexico National Director.

“Interest has grown among Latin America thanks to players like: Alvaro Beltran, Daniel De la Rosa and Jessica Parrilla than have had success at outdoor and have been made the center of attention for the image of this sport”. – Added Favio Soto.

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